Terms and Conditions

Welcome to our Fee, Cancellation, and Refund Policy page. Here, we outline our financial policies to ensure clarity and transparency in our services. We believe in maintaining an open and honest communication regarding fees, the procedure for cancellations, and our refund policy.
  • All consultations provided by clinicians associated with ADHD Treatment Australia Pty Ltd (hereafter referred to as ADHDTA or The Practice) are telehealth-based — i.e. virtually via an online meeting platform supported by audio and video feed.
  • It is a Patient’s responsibility to provide an Internet or data connection suitable for joining and participating in a virtual consultation with a Provider.
  • Conflict of Interest:

    – If a Patient is aware of a legitimate potential conflict of interest, The Practice should be contacted regarding the concern prior to the Patient booking an appointment.
    – If a Patient or Provider becomes aware of a legitimate potential conflict of interest after a consultation has been scheduled, but prior, during or after the consultation, the other party should be informed without delay.

  • A Patient is expected to connect and be present for a scheduled consultation five (5) minutes before the scheduled appointment time.
  • Any disputes in relation to charges, payments, cancellations, non-attendance, credits & refunds, etc. will be addressed by the Practice Manager, with the determination communicated to the Patient by phone, text message or email.
  • Fees charged are based on the type of service / consultation that a Patient will require, as determined by the Provider (consulting clinician).
  • Fees stated for different Item Numbers published in the Medical Benefits Schedule are for a single consultation only.
  • Fees are payable in full by a Patient at the time of booking a consultation.
  • Fees are payable by credit / debit card only via the online gateway of the Bookings Portal on the ADHD Treatment Australia website.
  • Appointments will only be scheduled and confirmed after receipt of the applicable fees.
  • Upon receipt of payment, a booking confirmation and notification of proof of payment will be emailed to a Patient.
  • ADHD Treatment Australia is a registered Medicare Provider, enabling a Patient to claim Medicare rebates on completion of consultations.
  • To be eligible for the maximum allocated Rebate from Medicare, a Patient is required to provide The Practice with a referral from a General Practitioner (GP) prior to the consultation.
  • An indicative value of a potential Medicare Rebate, as well as the out-of-pocket contribution by a Patient, will be stated in the above email. This may differ from the assessment by Medicare at the time of processing a Rebate claim.
  • ADHD Treatment Australia does not process claims for Medicare Rebates (if applicable) on behalf a Patient. A Patient will be issued with a “Medicare Receipt” on completion of the consultation, which can be lodged with Medicare by a Patient when claiming a Rebate for the service. The following link provides a pathway to claiming a rebate: https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/medicare-claims?context=60092
  • The fee structure for ADHD Treatment Australia’s services will be reviewed periodically and adjusted if required.
  • An application for a refund needs to be lodged online by a Patient by selecting the “Refund / Credit Application” button in the Patient Portal of the AAA website.
  • Applications for refund of fees will be assessed by the Practice Manager, and eligibility will be informed by the grounds / criteria below.
  • The time-and-date stamp generated when a payment is processed via the online payment gateway, and when a request for refund is logged via the application for refund process in the Patient portal, will be used to determine timelines for the purpose of considering refund applications.
  • Refunded fees will be paid directly into the credit / debit card account that was linked to the online payment gateway, after approval by the Practice Manager, but within 48 hours form receiving the request.
  • A refund of fees will be considered on the following grounds / criteria only:
3.1 Cancellation By A Patient

When making a “new booking”, a Patient may choose to cancel the appointment, either immediately or at a later stage.

Monies refundable to the Patient will be dependent on the duration of time between the cancellation of the appointment and the time of the scheduled appointment.

Rescheduling / rebooking is conditional on the prior cancellation of the consultation that it is replacing.

This ground / criterion excludes a cancellation made due to any other specified grounds.

Cancelation categories are as follows:

a) Type 1: If a Patient cancels an appointment at the time of booking the appointment, or within a two-hour cooling off period after booking an appointment (regardless of the time between cancellation and the appointment), the full amount paid will for the consultation be refunded. Booking a new appointment will attract the full consultation fee as applicable. [Cooling off]

b) Type 2: If a Patient cancels an appointment at any time after the cooling off period but outside 48 hours prior to the scheduled consultation, the full amount paid for the consultation will be refunded. Booking a new appointment will attract the full consultation fee as applicable. [Cancellation super-48]

c) Type 3: If a Patient cancels an appointment after the two-hours’ cooling off period, but within 48 to 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment, 50% of the consultation fee will be refunded. Booking a new appointment will attract the full consultation fee as applicable. [Cancellation sub-48 but super-24]

d) Type 4: If a Patient cancels an appointment after the two-hour cooling off period, but within 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment, no part of the consultation fee will not be refunded. Booking a new appointment will attract the full consultation fee as applicable. [Cancellation sub-24]


  1. Any rescheduling / rebooking of an appointment made after a cancellation by the Patient will be considered a “new booking”, and will attract the full consultation fee as applicable.
  2. In the event of a Patient cancelling or not attending the “new booking” made as result of Provider unavailability, the fee refund conditions in § 2.1 above will apply.
3.2 DNA (Did Not Attend) Without Legitimate* Reason

This ground / criterion does not apply to “termination” of consultations.

* Determining the legitimacy of a reason for not attending, is at the sole discretion of the Practice Manager.

a) If a Patient fails to present for the scheduled appointment within 5 minutes after commencement of the appointment, it will be considered that the Patient has cancelled and not attended the appointment. No part of the consultation fee will not be refunded. [DNA unjustified]

b) The scheduled consultation will be classified as a “failed encounter”.

c) If a Patient fails to present for the scheduled appointment altogether, it will be considered that the Patient has cancelled and not attended the appointment. No part of the consultation fee will not be refunded.

d) Should a Patient wish to book a new appointment due to their DNA, the booking needs to be done via the Bookings Portal on the AAA website. The new appointment will attract the full consultation fee as applicable.


  1. Any rescheduling / rebooking of an appointment made as result of DNA without legitimate reason will be considered a “resultant booking”, and will attract the full consultation fee as applicable.
  2. Cancelling of a “resultant booking” will not attract any refund or credit, if cancelled by a Patient at any time prior to the resultant consultation.
3.3 Cancellation By Practice Due To Provider Unavailability

Sickness, emergencies other unforeseen events can lead to a Provider not being available for a scheduled appointment session, sometimes at short notice.

a) ADHDTA staff will endeavour to inform an affected Patient as soon as staff become aware of the doctor’s unavailability. A Patient will be informed about the situation, in no particular order of preference, via call phone, text message or email message to the number or address nominated by the Patient in the Patient Registration Form.

b) The scheduled consultation will be classified as a “failed encounter”.

c) In the event that a Provider is unavailable to attend a scheduled appointment, ADHDTA staff will provide an affected Patient with a link and credit code to enter to the booking system for booking a new appointment. The Patient will not be charged a consultation fee for the new appointment booked due to Provider unavailability.

d) The Patient will be under no obligation to rebook an appointment forfeited due to Provider unavailability, and will be unconditionally awarded a full refund of fees if a “Refund & Credit Application” is lodged via Patient Portal of the ADHDTA website. [Provider unavailability]


  • Any rescheduling / rebooking of an appointment made as result of a DNA due to Provider unavailability, will be considered a “new booking”.
  • In the event of a Patient cancelling or not attending the “new booking” made as result of Provider unavailability, the fee refund conditions in § 2.1 above will apply.
3.4 DNA / Cancellation By Patient Due To Illness And/Or Unavailability

a) If a cancellation or DNA occurs as result of emergent circumstances (which prevents a Patient from participating effectively in a consultation), experienced by a Patient before or during a consultation, the Patient will not qualify for a refund of fees. The Patient may, however, qualify for a credit of the consultation fee of the missed appointment, to be redeemed when booking a new appointment. Eligibility for a credit will be evaluated and approved on an ad hoc case-by-case basis by the Practice Manager. [Patient non-availability]

b) The scheduled consultation will be classified as a “failed encounter”.

c) If issued, a credit will expire within 12 months of the missed appointment.


  1. Any rescheduling / rebooking of an appointment made as result of a DNA due to illness or non-availability of a Patient, will be considered a “resultant booking”.
  2. Cancelling of a “resultant booking” will not attract any refund or credit, if cancelled by a Patient at any time prior to the resultant consultation.
3.5 Termination Of Consultation Due To Emergent Patient Incapacity:

a) If a cancellation or DNA occurs as result of emergent circumstances (including illness) experienced by a Patient during a consultation (which prevents a Patient from participating effectively in a consultation), the Patient will not qualify for a refund of fees. The Patient may, however, qualify for a credit of the consultation fee of the missed appointment, to be redeemed when booking a new appointment. Eligibility for a credit will be evaluated and approved on an ad hoc case-by-case basis by the Practice Manager. [Patient incapacity]

b) The scheduled consultation will be classified as a “failed encounter”.

c) If issued, a credit will expire within 12 months of the missed appointment.


  1. Any rescheduling / rebooking of an appointment made after a cancellation due to the Patient incapacity will be considered a “resultant booking”, and will attract the full consultation fee as applicable.
  2. Cancelling of a “resultant booking” will not attract any refund or credit, if cancelled by a Patient at any time prior to the resultant consultation.
3.6 Termination Of Consultation Due To Breakdown Of Rapport

a) The rapport between a Patient and a Provider could breakdown during the course of a consultation, owing to a variety of factors, including demands for controlled medications, unrealistic Patient expectations or interpersonal differences. In the unlikely event of a breakdown in the rapport between the Patient and the Provider during the course of a consultation (which prevents a Patient or Provider from participating effectively in a consultation), the Provider will inform the Patient of the need to terminate the consultation. [Rapport breakdown]

b) The scheduled consultation will be classified as a “failed encounter”.

c) The Patient can lodge a “Refund & Credit Application” via Patient Portal of the ADHDTA website.

d) The fee for a terminated consultation may be partially or fully refunded on an ad hoc case-by-case basis. The decision to refund the monies would be at the discretion of the Provider and will be communicated to the Patient by phone, text message or email.

e) The Patient may, however, qualify for a credit of the consultation fee of the missed appointment, to be redeemed when booking a new appointment. Eligibility for a credit will be evaluated and approved on a case-by-case basis by the Provider.


  1. Any rescheduling / rebooking of an appointment made as result of a rapport breakdown will be considered a “resultant booking”, and will attract the full consultation fee as applicable.
  2. Cancelling of a “resultant booking” will not attract any refund or credit, if cancelled by a Patient at any time prior to the resultant consultation.
3.7 Termination / Cancellation Of Consultation Due To Conflict Of Interest

a) If a conflict of interest is identified by the Patient or Provider prior or during to a consultation, the Provider will inform the Patient of the need to consider a termination of the consultation. Terminating of the consultation will be at the discretion of the Provider.

b) The Patient may lodge a “Refund & Credit Application” via Patient Portal of the ADHDTA website.

c) The fee for a terminated consultation may be partially or fully refunded on an ad hoc case-by-case basis. The decision to refund the monies would be at the discretion of the Provider and will be communicated to the Patient by phone, text message or email. [Conflict of interest]

d) If after completion of the consultation, the Patient or Provider becomes aware of a legitimate conflict of interest being present at the time of the consultation which was not known prior, the consultation will be classified as a “failed encounter”.

e) It is unlikely that a conflict of interest will be resolved in future, therefore, a consultation terminated / cancelled due to a conflict of interest will not be rescheduled / rebooked.

3.8 Termination Of An Appointment Due To Technology Breakdown:

a) In the event of IT / connectivity / technical failure eventuating during the course of a consultation, ADHDTA staff will provide a Patient with a link and credit code to enter to the booking system for booking a new appointment. The Patient will not be charged a consultation fee for the new appointment booked due to termination of a consultation due to a technology breakdown.

b) The scheduled consultation will be classified as a “failed encounter”.

c) The Patient will be under no obligation to rebook an appointment forfeited due to a technology breakdown, and will be unconditionally awarded a full refund of fees, upon lodging a “Refund & Credit Application” via Patient Portal of the ADHDTA website. [Technology breakdown]


  1. Any rescheduling / rebooking of an appointment made as result of technology breakdown, will be considered a “new booking”.
  2. In the event of a Patient cancelling or not attending the “new booking” made as result of Provider unavailability, all the fee refund conditions in § 2.1 above will apply.

**  Please note that the descriptions below are cited in the text above for ease of reference.

#Description**Value of Refund
1Cancellation or super-48100% refund
2Cancellation sub-24No refund
3Cancellation sub-48 but super-2450% refund
4Conflict of interestAd hoc case-by-case determination by Provider
5Cooling off100% refund
6DNA unjustifiedAd hoc case-by-case determination by Provider
7Patient incapacityAd hoc case-by-case determination by Provider
Credit may apply
8Patient non-availabilityAd hoc case-by-case determination by Provider. Credit may apply
9Provider unavailability100% refund
10Rapport breakdownAd hoc case-by-case determination by Provider
Credit may apply
11Technology breakdown100% refund
  • ADHDTA — ADHD Treatment Australia Pty Ltd.
  • Provider — Consulting Psychiatrist or other clinician joining a Patient in a telehealth consultation.
  • Cancellation of consultation — Temporary or permanent suspending of a consultation after commencement.
  • Conflict of interest — A situation where a Provider or Patient’s personal interests and/or knowledge could compromise judgment, decisions or actions, resulting in potentially disadvantaging any of the parties.
  • Credit — An undertaking given by The Practice to a Patient which can be offset against future consultations.
  • DNA — Did not attend. Term used to indicate that a Patient did not attend a scheduled consultation from the start.
  • Failed encounter — A consultation which did not take place, or did not yield any clinical outcome.
  • New booking — A scheduled consultation that may attract a full or part refund proportionate to the duration of time between the cancellation of the appointment and the time of the scheduled appointment.
  • Practice Manager — A staff member of ADHDTA accountable for operational matters in The Practice.
  • Refund — An amount of money returned to a Patient for a consultation previously paid for.
  • Resultant booking — A scheduled consultation that will not attract any refund proportionate to the time between cancellation by the Patient and time of the scheduled appointment.
  • Resultant consultation — A consultation scheduled as result of a resultant booking.
  • Termination of consultation — Deliberate ending a consultation after commencement.
  • The Practice — Collective term for ADHDTA, its staff and infrastructure.
Terms & Conditions

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